To the student who didn’t win any academic awards this school year, even though he stayed up past midnight most nights studying: I see you.
To the girl who didn’t make the dance team, even though she practiced for months to get the routine just right: You are beautiful.
To the determined kid who had the courage to run for a school office, but lost the election: I’m so proud of you.
To the little-leaguer who didn’t make the all-star team, but was genuinely happy for his friends who did: I cheer for you.
To the child who labored so diligently to read two books, when many of her classmates read twenty-two with little effort: I notice your hard work.
To the young lady whose beauty radiates from the inside out, who waited patiently for someone to notice her and ask her to the dance, only to be painfully disappointed: Your identity is not determined by what others think of you.
To the graduate who overcame countless struggles, but received no honors or scholarships: I celebrate you.
Even though it may sometimes feel like you are overlooked, you are far from invisible. You are uniquely crafted in the image of your all-powerful Creator. He sees you, loves you, appreciates your distinctive qualities and gifts, and has a perfect plan for your life. In the grownup real world, there are very few awards to be won. But YOU have what it takes to be successful, because YOU know what it means to work hard and endure tough times without any expectation of praise or recognition. You are a survivor. May you always remember how very special you are. You are fighting the good fight, you are keeping the faith, and you have an unmatched crown of righteousness in store for you one day. There is no greater reward.